Thursday, May 15, 2008

Town Hall Meetings

The new big boss at work (a reference to her position on the food chain and not her size) has been having town hall meetings. I avoid them like the plague. It’s not that I don’t want to hear what she has to say, or learn about what’s happening with our company. It’s that I value my time. I feel I can contribute more to the company by working. I might attend one of these meetings if they were a half an hour or so. But, most of the time they turn into one of two things:

  • The 2 Hour Bitch Session – Why can’t the company buy me this or that, why do I have to pay any money for my insurance, why do I have to be random drug tested and you don’t, whaaa, whaaa, whaaa… on and on. – If I want to hear bitching, I can call my sister and ask her, “how’s your boss?”.

  • The 2 Hour Pep Rally – Yah!!! Yes, we are laying people off, but isn’t it great that I got a bonus for cutting the budget. Yah!!! Aren’t we great? You make this company (true, but most of them make the company mediocre). Rah, rah, rah. – If I wanted to attend a pep rally I would go to one that had cheerleaders in little costumes (college or professional cheerleaders, not most the women from work in little costumes (there are two that I wouldn’t mind seeing in a cheerleader costume).

I understand that some people are required to attend, but I’m not. I am not that high on the food chain. I understand some people want to try to suck up to the big boss, but not me; I’m too busy brown nosing my immediate supervisor to worry about anyone above him. I understand that some people like to feel that someone with authority is listening to them, but I don’t; I find if you have good enough ideas, it will reach people above you.

I have no use for these Town Hall Meetings.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Brown nosing the really big boss doesn't do much good if she/he doesn't know you. Brown nosing the immediate boss does way more good.