Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I am not feeling well today. My throat hurts and I’m drowsy from the over medication I did to myself. Normally my allergies aren’t that bad, but yesterday I hurt myself.

Yesterday, I finally got the parts to fix my lawn mower (I ran over a brick that my neighbor’s dog pushed under the fence trying to get into my yard (she has a crush on Buddy)), and a battery charger (my lawn mower had been broken so long that I thought the battery might have died (it had)). Once the mower was repaired, I decided to cut as much of the lawn as possible before the sun set. I figured I would be able to get most of the yard. Boy was I wrong. What I didn’t take into account was that I hadn’t cut the grass (weeds) in a few weeks. My lawn was high. To give you an example of how high; when my dogs would lie down in the grass, I would lose them.

It took me all the time just to get the front cut (and I still need to cut it again to get it lower). Because it was high the grass (weeds) had a lot of pollen. So, by the time I stopped mowing I had a sore throat, watery eyes, breathing trouble and the general feeling of blah. And, because I’m not a doctor I don’t always medicate myself well. I took to much allergy medicine (with beer), and now I a little bit out of it.

Allergies suck.


peepnroosmom said...

Yes, allergies do suck. Luckily I am not plagued with them, but 13 yr old is.
Running over a brick is bad, but not as bad as shredding the newspaper. It is so much easier to pick up beforehand.

Labrador121 said...

I disagree. If you run over a newspaper you can spend an hour picking it up and $1.50 for a new paper.

If you run over a brick you spend over $70 on parts and 3 hours getting the parts and fixing the lawn mower. And, your lawn mower won't be broken for weeks, so your grass won't be knee high.

peepnroosmom said...

OK, you got me.