Monday, February 11, 2008

Dog Logic

A friend of mine posted on her blog a set of rules for playing with her son ( These rules showcase a little boys' logic. This logic is universal with all little boys.

I started thinking about logic, and realized even dogs use logic. Here is Dog Logic:
  • If something is unfamiliar - Bark at it.
  • If something is unfamiliar and has a smell - Roll in it.

  • If something is unfamiliar, has a smell, and is filthy - Chew it.

  • If something is unfamiliar, has a smell, is filthy, and you can't figure out what it is - Eat it.

Remember, you can't argue with Dog Logic; you can only clean up after it.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Hey! Thanks for the link!
I have another one:
If it meows chase it up a tree then stand there barking at it cause it is NOT coming down.