Friday, November 16, 2007

It's Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, so I will update you on the randomness that is my life.

  • Ever since the corporate run my knee has been hurting me. I’ve not gone to a doctor because I’m a guy, but I did go to Foot Solutions and bought a set of inserts for my sneakers. There are two bad things about this: 1) although the insert has helped my knee, it hurts my feet as I get use to them (the salesman told me not to wear them more than a couple hours a day and slowly increase the amount of time I’m wearing them) (this means when my knee feel good, my feet hurt. And, when my feet feel good, my knee hurts). 2) the cost of the insert was as much as my sneakers. I hate spending that kind of money on an activity I don't like to do. It sucks to get old.

  • I went to a hockey game the other day, and our team played like they never played with each other before. The Thrashers need to tighten up. Atlanta is a fair weather town, if you are not winning they hate you, but if you win they love you. (I like the Thrashers either way, winning or losing, but I want to see them play like a professional team not a minor league team.)

  • I finished my last Photoshop class. It was a 8 week class at a local high school, and it was well worth the money. One of the class assignments was to make a logo. I decided to make one for the department I work for. Below is my department's new logo.

  • Ever since the phone incident, Buddy has been a well behaved dog. That all ended last week when he chewed my glasses. I guess that shoots down the theory that he grabbed the phone because it rang. I think he has expensive taste. (mmmm should I chew on this bone or that chew rope or even that 20 dollar universal remote? No, I’m going for the $150 dollar cell phone or the $250 dollar prescription glasses. I bet they will taste so much better than any of these toys on the floor.)

  • I volunteered at Cocktails for a Cause the other day. This was a fundraiser at the Goldfish restaurant for Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta (GRRA). The president of GRRA is a pimp. He put one of our attractive volunteers (not me) into an “I Love Cold Wet Sloppy Kisses” t-shirt, and sent her around to tables with men at them. Her job was to sell t-shirts and get donations, and she did well. More than one guy, who bought a t-shirt, told us they probably will never wear it. (They said it was to girly, if you don’t have a dog.)

  • Next week I am heading down to Port St. Lucie, FL for Thanksgiving. I am driving down (11 hrs) with both of my dogs. This should give me plenty of fodder for upcoming blogs. We are only staying three days (after 3 days fish and guests stink).

  • The other day my boss had to go to the termination review committee (I work for a quasi government organization, so you can’t just fire someone) and justify the termination of the guy who failed my class. They upheld that the termination was valid and had us send him a certified letter telling him he is let go. (This doesn’t mean he is necessarily fired yet. This is a union shop, and the membership could vote to have an arbitrator hear and rule on this case.)

  • In two weeks I start teaching a new class. This will be the first time I’m teaching an Electrical Class. Because we are short staffed, I’ll also be teaching an Air and Brake class a couple of weeks after that. We are hiring 2 new Instructors, but by the time they will be ready to teach I’ll be pretty burned-out. I feel sorry for the students I'll be training when I get burned out. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity when I'm burned-out, and my company has a tendency to hire stupid.

Well I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Glasses AND shoe inserts? You are getting old!
I'm a Thrashers fan no matter what.
Yes, the government does specialize in hiring stupid.