Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Week has Been Messed Up

Last week I finished teaching an Air and Brake class (I had 4 students fail the final). This week I was supposed to start preparing to teach an Electrical class. Because I had four students fail, I’ve had supervise their re-training/study time and re-test them. Their re-training/study time has consisted of watching training videos of the air system, completing an interactive CD of the air system, and self study of their hand-outs. On Wednesday I reviewed with them in the morning and tested them in the afternoon. All but one passed.

Thursday morning I went down to my boss’s office to assist him (if he needed it) with the termination of the student that failed. Now I don’t want to see anyone lose a job, but you should not take a job you’re not qualified to do. The student’s argument for not being terminated is he was not told he would be tested when he was hired. If he wins this argument, it will mean that we will not be able to check a person’s knowledge of repairing a bus.

I glad my mother lives in Florida and doesn’t ride the bus.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

That is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have ever heard. This is a grown man you are talking about, not a third grader. What's he going to do next, run tell the teacher somebody was looking at him?