Sunday, October 14, 2007

Two Dogs and a Fat Guy Again

As you read in my last post, I am back down to two dogs (if anyone from GRRA is reading, I'm not changing the name of my blog). Not only is the first part of the name of my blog back to being true, but the second part of the name of my blog is fast becoming true.

After the Corporate Run my legs hurt for a week. I once read that running on concrete was the worst thing for you knees, and I now believe it. It also said that TrailRunning was the easiest on your knees, and this may be true, but sitting on the couch is even easier. Sitting on the Couch is what I've been doing.

Since getting kicked off the Jack Abbott trail at Lockheed I've not been motivated. I think two things are causing this: One - it's getting darker earlier. This means I have to get out to the trail earlier, even though I am working later (I'm currently teaching a class). Two - now that I can't run at Lockeed, I have to drive a half hour to a full hour (instead of five minutes) to get to a good trail to run on. This means I have to get out on the trail even earlier.

Rushing home from work to rush out of the house to run feels too much like work (by now you all should know how I feel about working). So I've been sitting on the couch a lot more. Because I'm sitting on the couch more, I'm gaining weight again. This means that my blog name "Two Dogs and a Fat Guy" is becoming truer and truer.

I think I'm going to write Lockeed/Martin and get them to tell me what the trail policy is. Hopefully they will let me and Buddy back on the trail, because if I don't do something soon I might become the next "Jabba the Hut" (without the cool bikini girls dancing around).

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Now that you are down to two dogs again, maybe a quick walk/run around your neighborhood would help.
Jabba would be proud.