Friday, September 21, 2007

Jumping the Shark

My place of business is expanding, and it has promoted some people from the rank and file to supervisor positions. Now I believe that promoting from within is a good thing. I was promoted from within. My only problem with these recent promotions is that they are supposed to be the best of the best not the worst of the worst. They should have something going for them other than their father forgetting to put on the condom.

Every worker that has heard the names of the new supervisors has laughed hysterically. That is all workers except my friend Steve who is going to have the two worst working for him (it wasn't his choice to promote them, and he's pissed that he has to deal with them). My friend and co-worker John has referred to this series of promotions as our company "Jumping the Shark". How can you expect high standards from a company when the people enforcing the standard have set such a poor standard their entire career? Once a person moves out of their parent’s house the old line "Do as I say and not as I do" doesn't work anymore. Quality is about to go way down.

Parents often tell their kids when they get older that they hope they have kids just like they were when they were kids. I sort of feel the same way; I hope these new supervisors have workers that are as bad as they were, working for them. It would prove karma does exist.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

I think some supervisors promote and move people around the company to get rid of their baggage and give the problem to other people. If they would fix the problem at the beginning, then the level of standard would increase.
And I am laughing hysterically at Steve!