Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where Does The Time Go?

Where does the time go? After working all day and spending over 1 ½ hours in traffic I got home and mowed the yard (what fun). After I finished mowing I got the chance to do laundry (do I know how to party)? While I was doing laundry I made GRRA (Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta) phone calls to prospective adopters of Dottie.

Once I finally got a break, I decided to go for a run with Buddy. I was running at the Lockheed/Martin trail, and was half way through the run when I was approached by security and informed dogs were not allowed on the trail. The security guard was very polite and professional not like Lisa’s angry man (I think he just was trying to help me with my lack of time by stopping my running).

I am kind of annoyed by this. I know Lockheed/Martin has the right to ask me not to have a dog on the trail, but why now after all these months and after I’ve asked the security guards if I could have a dog on the trail. This means I have to find a new place to run. I could keep running the trail without Buddy, but that’s not going to happen. Buddy is my running partner and motivation to run. Plain and simple, I don’t like to run, and if it wasn’t for Buddy enjoying the run I would rather couch surf (remember I’m a fat guy, and I didn’t get that way by exercising all these years).

I am a little worried that if I don’t find a good place to run, I’ll stop. Remember, basic physics says an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and a gelatinous blob on a couch tends to stay on the couch (I think that’s one of Newton’s laws). But if I do stop running, I’ll at least know were some of the time is not going.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Couch Surfing. Hmmm. Now if you could just watch an exercise video, then the two would cancel each other out.