Friday, August 17, 2007

Found Dog

I haven’t posted much lately because I have a guest staying with me. Last Saturday I decided that I needed to do some type of activity, no matter what the temperature was. So, I called Lisa and asked her if she wanted to go hiking at Sweetwater Sunday and she agreed as long as the temp wasn’t too bad.

On Sunday, Buddy and I arrived at Sweetwater and waited for Lisa. I like to get to the park early so I can do a pre-hike walk, so Buddy can go to the bathroom near a garbage can, and I can dispose of it (it is so much nicer to hike when you don’t hake to carry a bag of poop around). A short time after the time Lisa and I were to meet I received a call. I was expecting her to say “she was on her way” or “something came up and she couldn’t make it”, but what she said was that she was down the street and she just found a couple of dogs.

I loaded Buddy up, and we went down the street to meet Lisa. When we got there Lisa was sitting with a little golden mix, but the lab mix ran off. We loaded up the dog and decided to split up and look for the lab and maybe the owner too. After driving around for about a half an hour with no sign of the other dog or the owner we decided to take her with us on our hike (we didn’t want to leave her, or the area, because we had made some calls to local shelter, animal control and activists in the dog rescue community).

After our hike, Lisa and I discussed our options and I decided to take her home till we could find her owner or get her in the adoption program at Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta (GRRA). It was better for me to take the pup, because Lisa has 4 dogs and a stray she picked up in her neighborhood ( although if she brought another dog home she might get one of those cool neighborhood nicknames like “The Crazy Dog Lady”, “The Woman With All the Dogs” or “The Dog Babe”).

I brought her home, bathed her and introduced her to my Lab, Allie. Allie is pissed. If you never heard the saying “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”, don’t worry, neither has the pup (we are calling her Dottie now). Every time Allie lies down, Dottie pounces at her. This usually elicits growls, snarls and snaps from Allie, followed by her climbing on top of me to get away from the pup. Buddy on the other hand likes having the pup around. He and Dottie chase each other around the yard, and in the house they play tug-a-war and wrestle (which also causes Allie to growls, snarls, snaps, and climb on top of me).

Besides Allie being pissed, another down side is that Dottie is not house broken. This means I am constantly taking her outside to pee or I’m inside cleaning pee (woohoo). One good thing is I’m loosing weight. It is a lot harder to get up and go to the fridge if you have a 90lb Lab lying on top of you.

I just want to let everyone know I won’t be changing the name of this blog to 3 Dogs and a Fat Guy. Dottie is just a house guest till we can find her a home (either the one she is missing from or a new forever home). I couldn’t keep her and put that much stress on Allie. Allie is too good of a dog and too old to do that to. She deserves to travel into old age gracefully, and not with a young dog nipping at her heals.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Oooh! Another diet plan. Bench Press Lab. If everybody could all just get a 90lb. lab to bench press and everybody eat all that brown air, the whole country would be slim and trim in no time.