Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Taste for Phones

I've had a house guest lately. A little Golden Retriever mix named Dottie. Since Dottie is staying with us and I'm working on her housebreaking, she stays in a crate while I'm at work. Because Dottie is using the crate, Buddy can't use it. I've been crating Buddy shortly after I got him (he ate my armour, the phone, and a wall). Since I got Buddy 3 years ago, he's matured. Because he's matured, I've let him stay out of the crate from time to time. Most of the time it ended with a chewed up sock or a shredded letter (I think he was just trying to save me from having to buy a new paper shredder).

Last week I started to leave him out because Dottie is using the crate. He did great. That was up till this weekend. This weekend I went to the movies (Nannie Diaries - don't bother), and when I got home I found my cell phone all chewed up.

I think the boy has a taste for phones.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Does it still work? That looks pretty bad.
The book Nanny Diaries was really good, but you know how the movies are never as good.