Friday, June 29, 2007

Will Work for Food

Have you ever walked or drove through a city and saw someone with a sign saying; “Will work for food”? Did you think the person holding the sign was down on their luck? Did you think they needed some help?

That’s what most people think, but not my sisters. They think what a great idea. I have a little brother (actually younger, not littler).

It started off innocent, “would you like to come over for meatloaf, and by the way can you fix my lawn mower?” It is now a blatant will work for food deal, “Can you come over and fix my car, and I’ll feed you.”

The latest, “’will work for food” adventure I had was with my sister Denise. I had called her about an electrical wiring question (she actually knows more about building, renovating or repairing a house than Bob Villa). After she answered my question, she asked if I could come over and help move a TV, “I’ll feed you”. I thought it was a good deal for me, move a TV and get a steak.

When I got over to her house I noticed a big TV sitting on the floor of the basement. I asked her where the TV was going and she told me it was going on the shelf above it. On the shelf above it sat an already big TV (when I asked why she was swapping TVs I was told that the new one had the wide screen format, and that she liked watching movies down there). I asked where the other TV was going and I was told up stairs in the living room. Guess what was already in the living room. Yes, a big TV. I asked where this TV was going and I was told up stairs in the bedroom. Guess what was already in the bedroom. Yes, a TV (at least this one was medium sized). I asked where this TV was going and I was told we could put it in one of the share bedrooms that was used for storage (finally a light at the end of the “TV Musical Chairs” tunnel).

It took about a hour to unhook all the TVs, move them, hook them back up and reprogram their remotes to operate the VCR or DVD they are now attached too (and, by the way, the TV we sat in the spare bedroom for storage was sat next to a TV). I was pretty tired after that, and told my sister that she made out on the deal today. She didn’t think so, because I got fed and as she put it “I got a good work out”, so I wouldn't have to jog tomorrow if I didn't want to.

That’s my family, always looking out for my health.

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