Thursday, June 28, 2007

Angry Man

I was talking to Lisa, my friend I hike with, and she told me that she took her dogs for a walk at the Jake Abbott trail and got yelled at by another patron. She said she moved off the trail with the dogs when anyone was passing, she picked up any poop the dogs did and said a friendly hello to everyone. She couldn’t understand why this man was being so mean and angry with her (personal note: Lisa is a very sweet person and she is also beautiful, so I don’t understand why any man (with a pulse) would be mean and angry to her).

Lockheed Martin owns the property that the trail is on, so they do have a right to ask you to leave. Once you agree to leave and apologize for any problems you may have caused them that should be the end of it. But, the angry man (as I will refer to him from now on) was not content. He got security and threatened to have her arrested for trespassing. The security guards asked her to leave (which she had already agreed too) and she left and went for a hike over by Life College.

I find a few things funny about all of this. The first is that Lockheed Martin promotes on their web-site the community relations and community service it does and then threatens a person from the community with being arrested for walking their dog on a trail.

Wouldn’t it suck to be in jail with a bunch of killers, rapists and thieves and being asked what your in for? I picture the conversation going like this:
Prisoner- What are you in for?
Me- Walking my dog.
Prisoner- Oh, Pit Bulls?
Me- No, A Golden Retriever.
Prisoner- Really? Guess what?
Me- What?
Prisoner- You’re now my bitch.
Going to jail for walking your dog will give you no street cred (gangstas don’t walk Golden Retrievers).

The second thing I find funny is that I can find more out about Lockheed Martin by walking out my front door and looking up as the test pilots buzz my house (and I’m not over the flight path, I think they just get a kick out of buzzing the neighborhood) than I could find out from walkin on their wooded trail.

Third and last is that exercise is suppose to relieve stress and anger. Obviously it is not working for angry man, so instead of yelling at a beautiful woman, he should go to the doctor and get a prescription (I hope Tom Cruise doesn't think I'm being glib).

I think I will go for my run somewhere else, until I can stop by the LockHeed security office and find out what the trail use policy is. I really hope that it was just some yahoo having a bad day, because I really like the trail. It is a good length, it’s close to home and it doesn’t have any loose dogs running around.

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