Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catching Up

It has been a while since my last post, so I will do a catch up:

Wednesday Weigh In 4-21-10:
34.4% Fat

Wednesday Weigh In 4-28-10:
37.8% Fat

Wednesday Weigh In 5-5-10:
33.6% Fat

I am doing well, if you call tired and achy well. And, I am always tired and achy. There is a certain masochistic aspect to the triathlon lifestyle. A big guy like me should not be running the distances I’ve been running for the last couple of weeks (I started running more after my poor showing during the run portion of my first triathlon). My joints are achy from all the impact. My muscles are sore and fatigued due to the fact that I’ve also amped up my swimming and riding. This leaves me in a zombie like state all the time.

I’ve been thinking of investing in the company that makes Motrin (they are already getting a lot of my money). I asked my fellow triathletes, when do you stop feeling so tired? Some said the off season, but I know that is not true. I was tired then because I was building up for the season. One said before each workout, but I think he was just fucking with me. Many told me they would let me know if it ever happens to them. I also got the answer, “when you’re dead”, but how do they really know that. Haven’t they heard the term “dead tired”.

I got one piece of advice from a friend who thought my question was a little whiny. HTFU. So that is what I will do at the group ride tonight. I will HTFU.

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