Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

No weigh in this morning. My scale was acting wonky (that's a technical term). I think it needs new batteries.

Because I can't talk about my weight, I will talk about my health. Last week I went to the doctor because my knee was having a little pain, and I also had some blood work done. They took some x-rays and drained some blood. It turns out that I have the start of arthritis in my left knee, but it is not bad enough to stop training (so says the doctor).

The blood work came back great. My doctor has been concerned about my cholesterol and thyroid levels. In the past I was on cholesterol medication, and it messed with my thyroid. This last blood test, my total cholesterol was 137, my HDL (good cholesterol) was 41, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was 77, my triglycerides was 91, and my thyroid (TSH) was 2.79. As my doctor said, "the blood work is much improved."

I am good to go for my first triathlon this month.

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