Sunday, April 25, 2010

John Tanner Race Report

John Tanner Sprint Triathlon
Date of Race: 24/04/2010
Total Race Time = 1h 29m 24s
Overall Place = 377/492
Age Group = Men Novice
Age Group Place = 24/45

Pre-race: I actually slept well. The alarm went off at 4:30. I got up, let the dog out, and took a shower. I had lain out and packed up everything the night before, so getting ready was a snap. While I feed the dog I posted on facebook that I was headed out to my very first triathlon.

Breakfast was a Mix 1 shake and a Clif bar.

The ride in was awful. It rained, and rained hard. I kept wondering what they would do. Would it be canceled, or delayed. It wasn’t.

I got to the park at about the same time as everyone else. By the time I got registered, chipped, marked, set up my transition area, used the rest room, and put on my wet suit it was less than 10 minutes to start.

Warm-up: With less than 10 minutes to start, I didn’t have a chance to do much of anything. I did stretch my arms as I waited for my group (last group) to go.

Swim: Last week during the OWS practice I was so out of breath that the thought of the swim started panicking me. But, a friend took me out swimming the Wednesday before the race and had me swim easy, and roll on my back and float to catch my breath that I became less nervous.

I wasn’t too nervous at the start of the swim. I started near the back of my wave, but not last. I felt good and was sighting well. By the first buoy the pack had separated and I was stroking well. I was passing red and silver caps. After the last buoy I did what Coach Jim told us to do. Start kicking hard to get blood to your legs. It sort of worked, my legs felt good, and I wasn’t too dizzy, but my heart rate was spiked and I was tired.

Swim Time: 13m:41s

T1: I jogged up the hill from the lake to the transition area. At the top of the hill I started walking, until I told myself I can catch my breath at transition. I started jogging again.

T1 was bad. Trying to get my wetsuit off I almost fell. Trying to put on my wet socks I almost fell twice. Putting on my shoes I almost fell. By then I decided to sit my ass down on the ground (my butt was already wet). Once on the ground I almost got run over a couple of times.

This was not a good transition. I need to do better.

T1 Time: Due to technical difficulties, unknown. (Long)

Bike: The bike ride went well. I was passing a lot of people (even a few ATC members). The rain made a lot of people slow down real slow on the turns, but I took the turns wide, and kept my speed up. On climbs I rocked. I climbed like a Norse god (not a cool Norse god like Thor God of Thunder or Odin Father of Gods, a small Norse god like Bob God of Virgin Wool (Patron of Ugly Sheep))(hey climbing like a Norse god, even a small one, is still climbing like a Norse god). I barley stayed to the right because I was always passing.

Bike Time: Due to technical difficulties, unknown. Felt great.

T2: T2 was not much better than T1, just less “almost falling”. The night before the race I was going to install a set of Yankz on my shoes, but couldn’t remember where I put them. When I put my shoes on I had to tie them (I don’t know how they became un-tied).

On my way out of the transition area, the number on my race belt ripped, and I slowed to fix it.

T2 Time: Due to technical difficulties, unknown. (Long)

Run: I do not run. I trudge with purpose. The run course was hilly and everyone that I passed on the ride passed me before the first mile. By the time I got to the hills I knew I would finish my first triathlon. I was in a good mood. I yelled “Go ATC” at every green uniform I saw passing me, or coming down the hill.

At the end of the run Coach Sharon was yelling at me encouragements, so I sprinted the last 50 yards

Run Time: 33m:25s

Post Race: My girlfriend met me at the end of the race and gave me a congratulations kiss. It was nice having someone there. After, she went to visit friends in Carrollton, and I stayed to support my fellow ATC members. The group had a number of members place.

Rate your overall experience with this race: I had a great time. I had more nervous energy after the race than before the race. The whole thing went great for me. It was a great first triathlon. My goal was to finish in 1 hr 30 min or better, and I did. I would recommend Tri the Park to my fellow triathletes (isn’t this cool, I can call myself a triathlete).

I plan on doing all the Tri the Park series this year.

I want to also thank everyone at ATC (coaches and members). I don’t think I could have done it without everyone assistance and encouragement.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

No weigh in this morning. My scale was acting wonky (that's a technical term). I think it needs new batteries.

Because I can't talk about my weight, I will talk about my health. Last week I went to the doctor because my knee was having a little pain, and I also had some blood work done. They took some x-rays and drained some blood. It turns out that I have the start of arthritis in my left knee, but it is not bad enough to stop training (so says the doctor).

The blood work came back great. My doctor has been concerned about my cholesterol and thyroid levels. In the past I was on cholesterol medication, and it messed with my thyroid. This last blood test, my total cholesterol was 137, my HDL (good cholesterol) was 41, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was 77, my triglycerides was 91, and my thyroid (TSH) was 2.79. As my doctor said, "the blood work is much improved."

I am good to go for my first triathlon this month.