Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Long Time No Hear From

It has been a while. Since I last blogged I got a new Director of Maintenance at work, and he has been piling work on my boss. And, you know what they say, "S#!t rolls down hill." Lately I've been buried at work. Because of this I haven't been able to blog when I get in, and if I stay late on my own time to write on the blog, my boss will grab me to do more work. So I haven't been able to blog at work.

I haven't been able to blog at home because my computer has been glitchy lately. It often doesn't let me use the letter "M", or if it does it puts it in word as I am typing. So I haven't been able to blog at home.

If you are asking how am I blogging now, your answer is I have a new computer. Let the blogging begin.


If you have been reading this, you know I've been training for my first triathlon October 11th. Let me tell you how it went. It didn't.

In late September we received alot of rain. When I say alot, I mean alot. My triathlon was cancelled because all the rain caused rivers and creeks in the area to overflow and wash away roads and bridges. Two bridges along the bike route was washed out (one is still out).

I was bummed that the triathlon was cancelled, but I decided that I was going to test my ability anyway. On October 11th (the day I was suppose to do my first triathlon) I started my day by swimming 1850 yards at the aquatic center. My transition was not like a normal triathlon. From the aquatic center I drove to the Silver Comet trail head in Smyrna to start the cycling portion my test. I rode from Smyrna to Hiram and back (30 miles). Once again my transition was not normal. I drove to Lockheed to do the run portion of the test on the Bell Bomber Loop. The loop is 1.25 miles, so I did 4 laps (5 miles).

Even though this was not a normal triathlon it proved I could do it. My first triathlon was suppose to be a sprint triathlon. This consisted of a 400 yard swim, a 13 mile bike ride and a 3.2 mile run. Being I went further in all the disciplines, I think that offsets the driving to the transition area.

Even though I've not posted the weigh ins I've done, it doesn't mean I haven't been doing them. I am still floating between 255lbs and 250lbs. I have not been able to break into the 240s.

My swimming class ended in early October, but my coach and I still meet on Tuesday nights to do laps. I am doing well. I started a new workout to improve my endurance. It is called a countdown and it has kicked my ass:

550 yards (22 laps) /w 20 seconds rest
450 yards (18 laps) /w 20 seconds rest
350 yards (14 laps) /w 20 seconds rest
250 yards (10 laps)/ w 20 seconds rest
150 yards (6 laps) /w 20 seconds rest
100 yards (4 laps) / w 20seconds rest
50 yards (2 laps) / w 20 seconds rest

Each set you are suppose to speed up.

Normally I switch from cycling to running after the time change, it just gets too dark too early to be on the bike, but I haven't yet completely switched over. I have started running on Mondays after work, but that's it.

The rain has curtailed my riding. I've been able to get a couple of 30 milers in, I've gone up Kennesaw Mountain a couple of times, and been able to get a few lunchtime rides in; but that is about it.


jenn said...

Seems like you are getting into good shape! The real test comes now with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!

Labrador121 said...

Well I've done pretty good after Thanksgiving.