Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

I think this would have been better if the sadistic bastard wasn't teaching our swim class again. Why you ask? Because he worked us so hard that I was starving after class. When I'm that hungry, I don't eat well. I had 2 double bacon cheese burgers (it's lucky I only bought 2, because I could have eaten more), and fries.

If it was not for my poor eating habits I would have been down in the 252lb range. I was 253.8 lbs before class, and I jogged 2.5 miles before swim class, had the hour long swim class (like I said, the sadistic bastard pushed us), and I did 20 minutes of pull drills after class.

Weigh Loss Challenge
As you know, I am doing the weigh loss challenge at work. Because I was not able to weigh in a couple of weeks ago (the people doing the challenge were late, and I had a meeting), I decided to go to one of the other garages and do the weigh in.

Yesterday I weighed in at 257.8 lbs (it's fully clothed, and tends to be about 4 lbs more than my readings). About 10 lbs less than the June weigh in.

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