Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boundary Waters Park

Last weekend I hiked a new park with my sister and her dog Gretzky. Boundary Waters Park is located in Douglas County, making it a relatively close park to me. It is a large park (especially for a county park) with over 8 miles of trails, an aquatic center and a sports complex.

The trails are multi use trails, so they are open to hikers, horses and mountain bikers. They are rated easy to moderate for the most part with one section of the red trail being rated difficult (this section can be bypassed). My hike was about 6 miles, and included the 1.1 mile blue trail that follows the park's pond for a while (not sure how they feel about dogs swimming), and the 5.1 mile red trail that follows the Chattahoochee River and includes the difficult section.

Below I will list some Pros and cons of the trails:


  • The trails are wide enough to walk next to someone and have a conversation. They are also wide enough to allow the occasional horse or mountain biker to pass without difficulty. During my hike we passed about a dozen horses (Gretzky was amazed to see the bigger dogs with the funny feet), and a couple of mountain bikes. Everyone was very polite.
  • The trails are mostly shaded.
  • Because it is a county park, no parking fee.
  • Many trail options. The trails can be combined or shortened to fit your requirements.


  • Horse poop. Although horse poop is easy to see and avoid, some dogs like the taste.
  • The signage could be a little better.
  • It is not the most scenic hike. The section along the river is a bit overgrown, so it is hard to see the Hooch.

All in all, it was a good hike that I would recommend to anyone wanting to get out on a trail.

Weigh-In Wednesday

I think this would have been better if the sadistic bastard wasn't teaching our swim class again. Why you ask? Because he worked us so hard that I was starving after class. When I'm that hungry, I don't eat well. I had 2 double bacon cheese burgers (it's lucky I only bought 2, because I could have eaten more), and fries.

If it was not for my poor eating habits I would have been down in the 252lb range. I was 253.8 lbs before class, and I jogged 2.5 miles before swim class, had the hour long swim class (like I said, the sadistic bastard pushed us), and I did 20 minutes of pull drills after class.

Weigh Loss Challenge
As you know, I am doing the weigh loss challenge at work. Because I was not able to weigh in a couple of weeks ago (the people doing the challenge were late, and I had a meeting), I decided to go to one of the other garages and do the weigh in.

Yesterday I weighed in at 257.8 lbs (it's fully clothed, and tends to be about 4 lbs more than my readings). About 10 lbs less than the June weigh in.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

254.2 lbs
41.8% Fat

Like I said before, I can live with a couple of pounds fluctuation.

Last week I was suppose to have my weigh-in at work for the Weight Loss Challenge. Unfortunately, the people running the show didn't show up. The weigh-in was from 1 to 3, and I was there at 1 and stayed for 20 minutes. I had a meeting, so I couldn't stay longer. I will try and make it to one of the other garage's weigh in, next week.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Am Odd

In the past I gave my dog (Allie) Cosquin. Recently (after I ran out of it), I started giving Allie Dasquin instead. One of the differences is the size of the pills. The dose of Cosquin is 2 medium chewable pills, but the dose of Dasquin is 1 large chewable wafer.

Here is where I am odd. Every time I give Allie her Dasquin wafer, I say "body of Christ".

I don't know why, but my feet just got hot.

Weigh-In Wednesday

I am kind of surprised by this number. I ate alot this weekend. Saturday, I went to a BBQ at my sister's house. Sunday, it rained, so I napped watching the food network. They must have had programming on about Baby Back Ribs, because I woke up from my nap with such a craving. I ended up at Sonny's BBQ eating 2 1/2 racks of ribs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Weigh-In Wednsday

Boo Yah! Need I say more.