Monday, November 10, 2008

Riding Can be Fun

I’ve been riding pretty regular during lunch. I do 3 to 4 laps of a 2.5 mile loop. Because most of it is in an industrial park, the ride can become boring. So, I’ve started a little game to help me through the boredom. I call it “What dead animal will I have to avoid today?” and the supplemental game “How long will the rotting carcass stay on the road?”.

So far the tally is:
4 squirrels - 1 to 2 weeks
1 opossum - 2 week
1 red fox - 1 ½ weeks (I wonder if it was saying “I’m coming for you Elizabeth”)
1 something - was there till in became a red spot.

Riding can be fun.


Labrador121 said...

I was able to play the game while jogging on a multi-use trail yesterday.

1 Grapefruit - ? days

peepnroosmom said...

Now that's a sick game.
How do you think the grapefruit died?

peepnroosmom said...

Are you going to be in this year's Christmas parade?