Thursday, July 17, 2008

What a Mess

My lawn is high. If my dogs lay down, I might loose them. The brakes on my car squeal when I stop. The high pitch metal on metal sound makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I have a mountain of laundry. I’m thinking of hiring a Sherpa. I am fatter than normal. I am no longer a Clydesdale, I’m the draft wagon. I haven’t exercised in a month. My bike and running shoes are gathering dust (I couldn’t go for a ride or a run if I wanted to. All my cycling and running shorts are in the mountain of laundry, and I would probably cause an avalanche if I tied to dig it out to wash.).

You may ask why my life is in such disarray. Because it sounds worse than what could be explained by my normal laziness. You would be right. As you know Buddy (my Golden Retriever) is sick (he’s dying). This has left me a little depressed. Add depression to laziness and you get a person who sleeps a lot. The other thing is when I get home; all I want to do is hang out with Buddy.

Friday I have to take Buddy to the Vet. In order to change his cast they have to knock him out. With the time I have between dropping Buddy off and picking him up, I might be able to mow the yard or fix the brakes on my car.

Who am I kidding? I will probably curl up in a little ball on the couch and wait to pick Buddy back up.


THE Rachel Adams said...

That is totally understandable! I feel for you and Buddy.

peepnroosmom said...

You know what? Your lawn will always be there when you get around to cutting it. Right now Buddy needs you. I know, call a neighborhood kid to come cut your lawn.

Labrador121 said...

I did call a neighbor hood kid, but his mother sent him to the wrong house.