Sunday, July 20, 2008

Good Boss

When I left my old position as a Technical Instructor, my biggest apprehension was leaving my boss. After years of having a bad boss, Scott was a welcome change. Scott was a good boss. Scott wanted you to do well, because when you did well, he did well. He even encouraged us to put in for promotions, which is why I have my current position.

Going from a good boss to a unknown boss can be unnerving. For the last few months Seyed (my new boss) and I have been feeling each other out. He has been a good boss so far, but recently he has gone beyond good boss. With all of Buddy's vet appointments he has let me take vacation days, and today he let me swap my off day so I wouldn't have to burn up all my vacation.

Working for a good boss makes life a little easier. I just wish Seyed liked working a 4 day work week like Scott did.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Having a good, compassionate boss makes all the difference, doesn't it?