Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Buddy in a Shirt and Cast

The Biopsy came back on Buddy. He has Chondrosarcoma. For anyone that doesn’t know what that is, it’s a malignant tumor of the bone and cartilage. It isn’t a fast moving tumor, and it doesn’t usually spread to other parts of the body, but because of its location and extent, there is not much we can do. I am still waiting to talk to the surgeon.

They had to knock Buddy out to change his cast. He had a couple of sore spots from the rubbing, so they put on a shirt under the cast. They must have re routed the tape a bit, because he is walking better. This may not be a good thing because he snagged his new shirt on the screened door and fell down as he pushed the door open in order to get away from me (he didn’t want to go in the crate).
I have to take him in to the vet again Friday; they want to redress his sores.


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Oh, poor Buddy! I know it's hard having a sick pet, and they really are family, aren't they? Our current dog is a greyhound rescue mutt, we've only had her about a year now. But we've always had dogs; a house just feels too empty without a furry friend. I hope the news on Buddy will be good.

peepnroosmom said...

I like his shirt! I'm sure it was rubbing him raw, poor thing.