Monday, February 25, 2008

My Blond Moment

I left the movies the other day, and as I got close to my truck I noticed scratches all down the passenger side. I un-tucked my shirt and started rubbing the scratches with it. I was fuming. The scratches weren't as bad as they first appeared, but they were bad enough.

I paced around my truck swearing and trying to determine what I should do. About the time I decided to take truck to the car wash to get a better indication of the damage, I noticed that the GRRA (Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta) magnet was missing from the bumper. I kept staring at the bumper, because something was different. Not only did someone take my magnet but they installed a trailer hitch. Huh??????

Yes, I was having a blond moment. My truck was parked four spaces down from the truck I thought was mine.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Somethings I Find Funny

My motto.

Joe is going to have a fine pimp coat.

Never have to clean the litterbox.

Dog Logic

A friend of mine posted on her blog a set of rules for playing with her son ( These rules showcase a little boys' logic. This logic is universal with all little boys.

I started thinking about logic, and realized even dogs use logic. Here is Dog Logic:
  • If something is unfamiliar - Bark at it.
  • If something is unfamiliar and has a smell - Roll in it.

  • If something is unfamiliar, has a smell, and is filthy - Chew it.

  • If something is unfamiliar, has a smell, is filthy, and you can't figure out what it is - Eat it.

Remember, you can't argue with Dog Logic; you can only clean up after it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Didn't Know People Dressed Like Huggy Bear

The other day I went to lunch with a friend of mine and I stepped into the set of a 70s cop show. My friend and I were waiting in line at a fish restaurant close to work, this is not the nicest neighborhoods, and in walked a pimp right out of a 70s cop show. He was wearing an ankle length fur coat. Now I know what you're thinking, although wearing a fur coat is uncommon it is done. You may be right, but wearing it with a light blue suit with matching light blue fedora (with roster feathers sticking out of it) is uncommon.

My friend wanted to take a picture with his phone, but he didn't want to get shot doing it (it really isn't the nicest neighborhood).