Monday, January 28, 2008

Learned From The Dog

You can learn many things from a dog, but if you're not careful the things you learn may not be a good learning experience.
  • Learned from the dog - Don't be afraid to try new things. Be careful - Eating cat shit is eating cat shit, no matter if it's new.

  • Learned from the dog - Enjoy a good belly rub. Be careful - If you're not careful who you let rub your belly, you may end up on a Fox news expos'e.

  • Learned from the dog - Cats are evil. Be careful - Cats are evil.

  • Learned from the dog - Enjoy the chase. Be careful - You might catch what your chasing.

  • Learned from the dog - Eat with gusto. Be careful - You might end up looking like Jabba the Hut.

  • Learned from the dog - Run like their is no tomorrow. Be careful - If you're a fat lazy guy, and you run like their is no tomorrow; their may be no tomorrow (can you say heart attack).

Be careful out there.


peepnroosmom said...

Ha! Too funny!
Learned from the cat-No matter how many times I poop in this box it's always clean the next time I use it. Be Careful-Pampered inside cats live a very, VERY, V. E. R. Y. long time and that's alot of cat poop to clean out.

Labrador121 said...

Thats because cats are evil.