Monday, December 17, 2007


I try and tell people to do right. Don't worry about what others are doing, just do right by yourself. I understand sometimes we don't always do right; we are human after all. But, I do have a problem with religious people who profuse their righteousness and don't do right.

Today I got cut off by a person with a specialty plate that said "4CHRIST". Now I know you might be thinking he may not have seen me or he may not have known he had to turn at the next street. No, he knew (I've seen him on this road before). He wanted to bypass the line of cars waiting to make a legal turn. Because I didn't just let him in, I got cut off (had I not hit my brakes I could have hit him (I'm sure if I hit him, I would have been blamed for it, because he's "4CHRIST" and I must be a heathen if I hit his expensive sports car)).

If you are "4CHRIST", you should be kind and courteous to others in your actions, and you should do right. If you don't, you are a Pretender.

I used to have a co-worker who was a deacon at his church and who liked to tell us of all the good work he did. I never minded this, because I've learned that sometimes the only person who will give you a pat on the back is yourself, and sometimes you need a pat on the back (even if it's from yourself). But, he would also tell us how he will be in heaven when he dies, and he said it in a way that implied that we wouldn't. If you imply this to others, you should not sneak out of work all the time and put on your time sheet that you worked. You should not be paid for something you didn't do (like work). This is stealing. If a company is paying you to be there and you're not there (and I don't care if the company can afford it, or if you think you should be making more), you are stealing from that company.

If you are going to tell people you are going to heaven when you die, you should at least follow the 10 commandments. If you can’t do this, you are a Pretender.

Plain and simple, do right.