Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Am Funky

I can't seem to find my motivation. a couple of years ago I was so into the triathlon lifestyle. I was a member of a great triathlon club (Atlanta Triathlon Club). I rode my bike at lunch and even got my co-workers riding. I swam all the time. I was a triathlete.

Now I'm a fat guy (with no dogs). Recently I started doing aqua-fit with my sweetheart. I figure it is easier to do something when you have someone to do it with. It is a good workout, but it is not triathlon training.

Since moving up north I am no longer a member of the tri club. It is just too far to travel. But, that is an excuse, not a reason. There is a tri club that does stuff up here. We have bike shops that have group rides all the time. I belong to LA Fitness, so I can swim anytime I want to. And, if I step out my door, there is a street I can run on.

Even with these opportunities to train I make excuses. And, it seems any excuse will do:

Re-join ATC- - It's too far to travel.
Go to the gym during lunch - I get all sweaty, and by the time I get there and change it is time to head back.
Go for a run when you get home - It's too hot.
Go for a run in the morning - My knees hurt running on concrete.
And, the list goes on...

I do miss having people to work out with, having people made it easier, but not having people should not stop me. I am in an exercise funk, and I'm not sure how to get out of it. I know sooner or later I will break out of this funk, I'm just hoping it's sooner.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Goodbye Cale

It has been a couple of weeks since I lost baby girl (Cale) to cancer. I still fell pangs of sadness in the mornings when I wake up, and in the afternoons when I get home. This is the first time in 18 years that I don't have a dog. When I lost Tosi, I still had Allie; when I lost Buddy, I still had Allie; when I lost Allie I still had Cale; but when I lost Cale, I have no dog. I feel a little sad and off without a dog. I know we will get another dog in a few months, Carol needs some time. But, the house feels a little bit lonelier without a dog.

Goodbye Cale. You were a wonderful dog.