Monday, January 28, 2008

Learned From The Dog

You can learn many things from a dog, but if you're not careful the things you learn may not be a good learning experience.
  • Learned from the dog - Don't be afraid to try new things. Be careful - Eating cat shit is eating cat shit, no matter if it's new.

  • Learned from the dog - Enjoy a good belly rub. Be careful - If you're not careful who you let rub your belly, you may end up on a Fox news expos'e.

  • Learned from the dog - Cats are evil. Be careful - Cats are evil.

  • Learned from the dog - Enjoy the chase. Be careful - You might catch what your chasing.

  • Learned from the dog - Eat with gusto. Be careful - You might end up looking like Jabba the Hut.

  • Learned from the dog - Run like their is no tomorrow. Be careful - If you're a fat lazy guy, and you run like their is no tomorrow; their may be no tomorrow (can you say heart attack).

Be careful out there.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hi Again

Hi again. It's been a while. No, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, and I definitely didn't have a refrigerator fall on me. I've just been very busy.

At work the training schedule has kicked into full gear. I've been teaching alot since my last post . I taught a Electrical System class to the new mechanics. This class lasts 5 weeks with a extra week for re-training of anyone who fails (and someone always fails). After that I started teaching an Air & Brake class (currently teaching), which lasts 3 weeks with an extra week for anyone who fails (like I said before, someone always fails).

Because I'm teaching, the time at work I would normally work on my blog (lunch, breaks, down time...) is now spent doing administrative functions that I would normally do during the day. So, blogging at work is out.

Blogging on the weekends hasn't been much better. December and January had many weekend events for me. It started with the Dallas Christmas Parade (I march in it with Buddy) and Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta's adoption (which I do every month). It only got busier with doing the Kohls Shop With a Hero event again (third year in a row that Buddy and I have participated), attending the Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta's Christmas Party, marching in the Peach Bowl Parade with Buddy (it's now called the Chic-Fil-A Bowl, but you won't get me to call it that, because that is a stupid name for a football game). I also did a few hikes with friends, gone to a couple of hockey games and went to the dog park a few times with Buddy to meet the Great One. Oh, and lets not forget all the Christmas stuff that you have to do.

Because I've been busy on the weekends, I've not had much time to go to my favorite coffee shop (Rev Coffee) and blog.

That leaves me with after work. I am getting home at a reasonable time, but I hate winter. You may be asking what winter has to do with blogging (maybe it's so cold that my fingers are frozen and I can't type). No, in winter we revert back to Standard Time. This means that when I get home it's dark or near dark. You may be asking what does being dark have to do with blogging (maybe there is no electricity so I can' t plug in the computer and use a light (that would explain the frozen fingers, I can't run the furnace)). No, because it's dark by the time I get home, I can't go running. You may be asking what running has to do with blogging (maybe .... I know, you got nothing). I'll tell you, because I'm not running I'm becoming more and more sedentary.

Because I'm so sedentary, I've been just to lazy to blog. When I get home I curl up on my couch with my dogs and I wait for winter to be over.